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Read my articles and research papers
Here are a selection of articles and research papers that I have either authored or co-written with colleagues.

Sep 2, 2021
Accountancy can save the world: the prequel
Intangible assets have swiftly become a major consideration for investors, making up 90% of all enterprise value on the S&P 500. Yet ...

Jul 13, 2021
What has the Charity Commission ever done for us?
If we apply Monty Python’s analysis of the Roman Empire to current challenges of reporting performance on ESG and corporate impact – we...

Jun 1, 2021
Why auditors are the knights of the impact investing round table
Audit and assurance are the heroes we need on our quest if we are to understand what impact is and how to grow it. First published by...
May 25, 2021
ESG, what can corporates learn from the charities’ reporting framework?
First published by ICAEW We are in the middle of a boom for ESG reporting, driven by the growing realisation of the risks arising from...

Apr 30, 2021
Will accountants save the world?
We need ‘warrior accountants’ so long as they are radical and more warrior like. Not focusing on helping to develop and standardise ...

Mar 19, 2021
Who is the investor and what do they want to know?
Are we all in denial or do we actually care about organisations' ability to generate financial returns at the same time as value for...
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